sopython T-shirts
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- Last edited on Jul 1, 2019, 11:56:10 AM by
Zero Piraeus
- Edit
The idea of getting t-shirts made was discussed in the chatroom. I’ve split this page into two subpages. When I get around to throwing together the images, text etc - they’ll go in the relevant sections.
Add yourself to the list if you want one!
Zalgo T-Shirts
Will need to make sure we don’t get absolutely hammered (legally) for using images and links from Stack Overflow, but I intend to base the Zalgo t-shirts on this
| Name | Quantity |
| IntrepidBrit | 1 |
| Fizzygood | 1 |
| Robert Grant | 1 |
| Ashwini Chaudhary | 1 |
| thefourtheye | 1 |
| MattDMo | 1 |
| Reut Sharabani | 3 |
| Pureferret | 1 |
SOPython T-shirts
In the process of trying to foist off the design work for this onto @PeterVaro - to see if he’s interested…
| Name | Quantity |
| IntrepidBrit | 1 |
| Jon | 3 |
| Fizzygood | 1 |
| Robert Grant | 1 |
| Peter Varo | 1 |
| Ashwini Chaudhary | 1 |
| Kevin | 1 |
| davidism | 1 |
| Martijn Pieters | 1 |
| thefourtheye | 1 |
| MattDMo | 1 |
| AnttiHaapala | 1 |
| Reut Sharabani | 3 |
| Air | 1 |
| Pureferret | 1 |
| tilaprimera | 2 |
| Bhargav Rao | 1 |
| idjaw | 2 |
| Andras Deak | 1 |
| toonarmycaptain | 1 |
Tristan volunteered his first design - thoughts?