Rep:Answer ratio
This page is in community mode. Any user with 100 rep may edit it.
- Last edited on Aug 18, 2018, 9:16:17 PM by
Aaron Hall
- Edit
Code to get Rep:Answer ratio and the results, will upgrade to a full report later.
Results as-of last edit:
answer_count display_name reputation ratio
100297 18679 Martijn Pieters 665740 35.641094
893 5416 Greg Hewgill 637964 117.792467
95810 6298 Alex Martelli 595284 94.519530
20862 12329 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 556207 45.113716
190597 7290 unutbu 515892 70.767078
104349 11314 Daniel Roseman 424798 37.546226
9951 487 e-satis 337023 692.039014
279627 2247 Sven Marnach 321634 143.139297
10661 3862 S.Lott 307292 79.568099
771848 8428 alecxe 305761 36.279188
4279 4480 jfs 248614 55.494196
14343 2620 Ned Batchelder 242940 92.725191
20670 4267 Tim Pietzcker 237715 55.710101
908494 6185 abarnert 236651 38.262086
174728 3669 John La Rooy 199057 54.253748
748858 3970 mgilson 198927 50.107557
216074 3070 poke 194721 63.427036
487339 2393 DSM 190400 79.565399
12855 1005 SilentGhost 179445 178.552239
325565 1051 Joe Kington 168767 160.577545
846892 3765 Ashwini Chaudhary 167649 44.528287
1903116 2979 thefourtheye 154862 51.984559
541136 649 Aaron Hall 147596 227.420647
3293881 4224 Divakar 145627 34.476089
674039 2092 wim 143217 68.459369
2357112 3437 user2357112 137317 39.952575
2141635 5141 Padraic Cunningham 129039 25.099981
1001643 1505 Raymond Hettinger 123575 82.109635
1252759 2189 Jon Clements 93850 42.873458
918959 1702 Antti Haapala 72607 42.659812
1426065 1471 MattDMo 72014 48.955812
400617 1088 davidism 56976 52.367647
1578604 1739 Jerry 56292 32.370328
953482 1561 Kevin 54200 34.721332
1333975 676 Ahmad 44611 65.992604
1971805 969 TerryA 41342 42.664603
4014959 1714 PM 2Ring 40764 23.782964
1624921 573 Games Brainiac 39441 68.832461
2705542 619 Tim Peters 39086 63.143780
2617068 1576 TigerhawkT3 38687 24.547589
4099593 544 Bhargav Rao 28829 52.994485
2063361 1246 Moinuddin Quadri 27069 21.724719
2301450 473 vaultah 26682 56.410148
3005188 351 Ffisegydd 25690 73.190883
344286 657 Wayne Werner 25492 38.800609
5067311 480 Andras Deak 18139 37.789583
1832539 519 idjaw 16026 30.878613
1773904 189 Ian Clark 7508 39.724868
3059812 160 Morgan Thrapp 6546 40.912500
2188562 95 Peter Varo 6273 66.031579
61938 118 Robert Grant 5789 49.059322
1150599 180 corvid 4859 26.994444
1241495 13 OldTinfoil 868 66.769231
1946923 2 Marcus Andrews 211 105.500000
display_name ratio
9951 e-satis 692.039014
541136 Aaron Hall 227.420647
12855 SilentGhost 178.552239
325565 Joe Kington 160.577545
279627 Sven Marnach 143.139297
893 Greg Hewgill 117.792467
1946923 Marcus Andrews 105.500000
95810 Alex Martelli 94.519530
14343 Ned Batchelder 92.725191
1001643 Raymond Hettinger 82.109635
10661 S.Lott 79.568099
487339 DSM 79.565399
3005188 Ffisegydd 73.190883
190597 unutbu 70.767078
1624921 Games Brainiac 68.832461
674039 wim 68.459369
1241495 OldTinfoil 66.769231
2188562 Peter Varo 66.031579
1333975 Ahmad 65.992604
216074 poke 63.427036
2705542 Tim Peters 63.143780
2301450 vaultah 56.410148
20670 Tim Pietzcker 55.710101
4279 jfs 55.494196
174728 John La Rooy 54.253748
4099593 Bhargav Rao 52.994485
400617 davidism 52.367647
1903116 thefourtheye 51.984559
748858 mgilson 50.107557
61938 Robert Grant 49.059322
1426065 MattDMo 48.955812
20862 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams 45.113716
846892 Ashwini Chaudhary 44.528287
1252759 Jon Clements 42.873458
1971805 TerryA 42.664603
918959 Antti Haapala 42.659812
3059812 Morgan Thrapp 40.912500
2357112 user2357112 39.952575
1773904 Ian Clark 39.724868
344286 Wayne Werner 38.800609
908494 abarnert 38.262086
5067311 Andras Deak 37.789583
104349 Daniel Roseman 37.546226
771848 alecxe 36.279188
100297 Martijn Pieters 35.641094
953482 Kevin 34.721332
3293881 Divakar 34.476089
1578604 Jerry 32.370328
1832539 idjaw 30.878613
1150599 corvid 26.994444
2141635 Padraic Cunningham 25.099981
2617068 TigerhawkT3 24.547589
4014959 PM 2Ring 23.782964
2063361 Moinuddin Quadri 21.724719
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
users = {
893: 'Greg Hewgill',
4279: 'J.F. Sebastian',
9951: 'e-satis',
10661: 'S.Lott',
12855: 'SilentGhost',
14343: 'Ned Batchelder',
20670: 'Tim Pietzcker',
20862: 'Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams',
61938: 'Robert Grant',
95810: 'Alex Martelli',
100297: 'Martijn Pieters',
104349: 'Daniel Roseman',
174728: 'John La Rooy',
190597: 'unutbu',
216074: 'poke',
279627: 'Sven Marnach',
325565: 'Joe Kington',
344286: 'Wayne Werner',
400617: 'davidism',
487339: 'DSM',
541136: 'Aaron Hall',
674039: 'wim',
748858: 'mgilson',
771848: 'alecxe',
846892: 'Ashwini Chaudhary',
908494: 'abarnert',
918959: 'Antti Haapala',
953482: 'Kevin',
1001643: 'Raymond Hettinger',
1150599: 'corvid',
1241495: 'IntrepidBrit',
1252759: 'Jon Clements',
1333975: 'Ahmad',
1426065: 'MattDMo',
1578604: 'Jerry',
1624921: 'Games Brainiac',
1773904: 'Ian Clark',
1832539: 'idjaw',
1903116: 'thefourtheye',
1946923: 'Marcus S',
1971805: 'TerryA',
2063361: 'Moinuddin Quadri',
2141635: 'Padraic Cunningham',
2188562: 'Peter Varo',
2301450: 'vaultah',
2357112: 'user2357112',
2617068: 'TigerhawkT3',
2705542: 'Tim Peters',
3005188: 'Ffisegydd',
3059812: 'Morgan Thrapp',
3293881: 'Divakar',
4014959: 'PM 2Ring',
4099593: 'Bhargav Rao',
5067311: 'Andras Deak',
query = {
"order": 'desc',
"sort": 'reputation',
"site": 'stackoverflow',
"filter": '!qGQfoR5n.F)O1rEoua(e', # fields: answer_count, display_name, reputation, user_id
"pagesize": 100,
user_ids = ';'.join(map(str, users))
api_url = ''
response = requests.get(api_url + user_ids, data=query)
if response.status_code != 200:
raise Exception
data = json.loads(response.text)
if data.get('has_more'):
# Wanted to send more than `pagesize` user_ids?
# You'll have to implement the pagination.
print('WARNING: some data loss')
df = pd.DataFrame(data['items'])
df.index = df['user_id']
del df['user_id']
df['ratio'] = df['reputation'] / df['answer_count']
print(df[['display_name', 'ratio']].sort_values(by='ratio', ascending=False))